
Sunday, August 21, 2011

ChessForAll CCC-Gui for Android

ChessForAll CCC-Gui is a PGN-Editor/-Viewer.

Engine Play: This program is using a chess engine as a remote service. Please download a CCC-Engine from the Android Market for playing against an engine. The following engines are supported:

* Stockfish CCC-Engine

ChessForAll CCC-Gui features:
* chessViewer/editor(PGN)
* play against an engine
* load, save and delete files
* 4 different chess board and pieces
* HELP-System
* free, GPLv3

HELP: Touch the game control icon on the right top corner for enable/disable the C4A-HELP-Modus.

ChessForAll CCC-Gui is now available on the Android Market.

Stockfish CCC-Engine for Android

Stockfish CCC-Engine is an Android port of the famous
Stockfish 1.8 chess engine and is running as a remote service.

Please download an CCC-Gui application from the Android Market for playing against this engine. The following applications are using the Stockfish CCC-Engine:

* ChessForAll CCC-Gui

Only one application can connect to this remote service.
Close this program before starting a CCC-Gui application.

Stockfish CCC-Engine is now available on the Android Market.

AppBrain install